Have you been feeling less-than-satisfied with your appearance recently? It happens to everyone—as we age, we realize our bodies are changing, and not always for the better. Where there was once smooth, fresh skin, now sits wrinkles, folds, and jowls.
Aging skin can diminish the confidence of even our most assured clients. But there is a solution. When you come to Medical Esthetics Thunder Bay, we can find a treatment to repair your aged skin and restore your self-confidence. That treatment may come in the form of facial toning.
But what is facial toning, and how can it help your aged appearance? Read below to receive answers to all your frequently asked questions about facial toning in Thunder Bay, ON.
What is facial toning?
Facial toning is a term for any treatment that exercises the muscles in your face for increased tone and enhanced appearance.
These treatments are useful for clients who want to combat sagging, drooping skin. But facial toning in Thunder Bay, ON, doesn’t just tighten aged skin—it also builds the muscle beneath the skin for a sharper, more toned look.
As your facial toning treatment builds facial muscle and tightens skin, it can eliminate wrinkles and fine lines. Put simply, a facial toning treatment is a fantastic way to completely rejuvenate your appearance with natural results.
Why is my skin droopy and wrinkled?
If you’re struggling with aged, damaged skin, you may be at a loss as to what may have caused it. Though it can be frustrating, sagging skin is a natural part of the aging process.
The body produces a number of important proteins, but for healthy skin, no two proteins are as important as collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for building firm skin that bounces back after it stretches.
But as we age, our body doesn’t produce these proteins in the same quantities as it did when we were young. As a result, your skin becomes droopier and wrinkled over time. But with facial toning in Thunder Bay, ON, you can boost your collagen and elastin levels to revitalize the health and strength of your skin.
What is your preferred option for facial toning?
There are plenty of options for facial toning on the market, but at Medical Esthetics Thunder Bay, our preferred treatment is Emface. The Emface treatment offers results that are obvious, but organic.

People will notice an improvement in your appearance, but it will be subtle in all the right ways. The Emface treatment uses a combination of radiofrequency energy and electromagnetic stimulation to increase collagen and elastin levels, while simultaneously strengthening the muscles in your face.
This means that the Emface treatment repairs your skin while also enhancing your facial tone. In just a few 20-minute treatments, you can transform your skin for years to come.
What is the downtime following a facial toning treatment?
Because Emface can provide such long-lasting results, you may assume that there’s some hidden trade-off, like a painful treatment process or a long recovery time. But the Emface is actually a relatively painless procedure.
Some clients may find the electrostimulation to feel a little odd, but the sensation is most similar to an intense workout. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the process. And as for downtime, you won’t need to take time out of your busy schedule to recover.
There is no downtime following an Emface treatment—you can continue your day as usual once the procedure is complete.
Schedule a treatment with our team!
We hope we’ve answered your questions about facial toning in Thunder Bay, ON. If your next question is, “how can I get started?” we can answer that, too.
Book your appointment online, and we’ll meet with you as soon as possible to go over your questions and find a treatment that can handle your condition. There’s no reason to wait when you have so many options available to you.